Hadrizia Santos
Software Developer
  • Languages

    Portuguese native, English intermediate

  • Programming Languages

    Python, Java, JavaScript, R, SQL

  • Web Development


  • Mobile Development

    AndroidStudio, XML, SQLite

  • Data Analysis

    R, RStudio, RMarkdown

  • Technologies

    Spring-Boot, AngularJS, Alloy Analyzer, Ubuntu, Maven,GIT Source Version Control, MySQL/MongoDB DataBases

Hi! Welcome to my personal page :)

I am a BA Computer Sciente student at Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) and I have experience working with mobile and web development, software engeneering and data analysis.

  • Experience

    Jun 2016 - present
    Embedded Lab - UFCG

    Software Developer

    Embedded is a laboratory with an emphasis on embedded systems and pervasive computing. Working here gave me the opportunity to develop web and mobile applications and learn about technologies used by many companies.

      Worked projects:
    • Android application using Android Studio and face recognition module using Face-recognition and OpenCV libs.
    • Web application working mainly in the back-end (creating routes, services, controllers, models and repositories) using Spring-Boot and creating SQL queries using MySQL Workbench.
    • Android application using Android Studio and SQLite Database
  • Education

    • May 2014 - present
      Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG

      Bachelor in Computer Science

    • May 2010 - Jan 2014
      Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN

      Certificate in computing

  • Interests

    • Back-end
    • Database Queries
    • Data Science
    • Software Engeneering

Made with ♡ by Hadrizia Santos